What We Do
Sometimes we describe what we do as giving people access to Jesus.
As we waited for our flight at the Chiangmai Airport, one of the coffeeshops had the above slogan posted on the wall. It is how they describe their coffee. But I thought that expression is also a great way to describe the Gospel.
A second descriptor on the wall of the airport also describes a life in relationship with Christ. Our lives are touched daily by the One Who is Saviour, Sanctifier, Healer, and Coming King.
Pastor Joshua is urging us to pray:
- For opportunities to invite people to come to church services and events.
- For church members to be able to testify for Christ to people in our town.
Please add these requests to your prayers asking for five baptisms this year.
We want people to taste and see that God is good!
Praise and Prayer
- Thanks for praying for the Global Gathering, We especially found the Bible teaching helpful.
- The after school program has seen a decrease in attendance. Please pray that Pastor Joshua will not be discouraged with this. Pray that there will be opportunities to share about Jesus with the students and their families.
- We return to the classroom to teach English and tell Bible stories this week. Please pray for a good start to the new semester.
- We attended Peter’s baptism at Chiayi Alliance on December 31. This past week he ceased his struggle with cancer and is now in his heavenly home. Please pray for the family to be comforted. The funeral service will be on March 22 in Chiayi.