2021 Update #31 August 2


Thank-you for praying.  God has provided.
We were able to purchase a 2012 Nissan Altima for use this year.

Praise and Prayer

  • Please pray for the Taiwan C&MA International Worker Team!  The mothers of two members, one from Thailand and one from the USA, passed away.  Please pray for their families to be comforted.
  • Pray for us this week as we continue to navigate the process of reclaiming our Canadian driver licenses.
  • Praise the Lord that soft lockdown epidemic protocols have been relaxed slightly allowing smaller churches to hold services in their buildings.
  • Missions agencies, including the Alliance, are waiting for the soft lockdown protocols to be further relaxed so that workers may apply for visas.  Please pray that the measures to fight the epidemic will be successful so that this can happen.

2021 Update #30 July 26

Both – And

Because the Lord has been giving the Taiwanese success in fighting the virus, the number of daily new infections has been decreasing.  So the soft lockdown protocols are being adjusted.  This will permit indoor gatherings of up to 50 people, and outdoor gatherings of up to 100 people.  That means that a small church like Baozhong Alliance Church is able to once again meet for Sunday services starting next Sunday.

However, like in North America, not everyone is ready to return to indoor in-person services.  Therefore the decision has been made to continue live broadcasts in addition to the services at the church building.  The photo is our pastor’s wife leading the worship singing this past Sunday.

There were problems with the newly-installed internet and there were sound quality difficulties yesterday.  Please pray that these can be resolved for future weeks.

Praise and Prayer

  • We’re free from quarantine!  Our first days have been filled with caring for our granddaughters.  We are working on various items that could could not accomplished while in quarantine.
  • We made an agreement to purchase a car, and hope to pick it up on Tuesday (tomorrow).  Thank-you for praying about this.
  • Please pray for Silas Yang, the president of the C&MA in Taiwan.  His weekly duties now include contacting government offices to determine how the latest soft lockdown measures are going to be enforced.  He must advise all the churches so that our Christian testimony is protected.  In addition to his denominational leadership duties, he is the lead pastor of a church.  Pray for him to have wisdom and grace as he navigates this challenging time.

2021 Update #29 July 19

Comforted by the Familiar

As we unpack items that we had stored, and items that we brought with us from Taiwan, there is a warm, fuzzy feeling that comes from having familiar belongings around us.

But our comfort is not fully satisfied by belongings.  Family and friends add but cannot provide to the extent that we desire it.

The Psalmist reminds us that God’s unfailing, limitless love is the place we are able obtain sufficient comfort.

Praise and Prayer

  • We praise God for negative Covid tests and that quarantine will end this week.
  • We have been looking online.  We have not yet found a vehicle that seems right for us. This week we begin to go look at vehicles that are for sale.  We need an affordable, dependable car that we can use this year.  Please pray for God to direct us to the right vehicle.
  • The daily number of new Covid cases continues to decrease in Taiwan.  Vaccination numbers are slowly increasing. Pray for wisdom for church leaders as the soft lockdown protocols change to permit some meetings.
  • Pray that online meetings we have scheduled for this week will lead to God-honouring decisions and the building of His kingdom.

2021 Update #28 July 12

Quarantine News

We are safely back in Canada and are following the necessary protocols as laid out by the authorities.

We are thankful for our suite.  After some days of unpacking it is beginning to feel like home.

What is not feeling like home is the restriction on hospitality.  We cannot have friends and family inside, and we cannot go out and be with them.  We are thankful for large windows that allow us to see those who are making “contactless deliveries.”  When we do not want to shout through the glass, a mobile phone link helps.

Being in a form of isolation has made me think about what it must have been like for Paul when he was imprisoned.  His accommodations would not have been as nice as ours.  Even though his movements were restricted, Paul did not lose his focus.  And we see a little of his attitude when we read Philippians or the other prison letters.  It is much easier to complain, or loudly desire something different. But this is a time planned by God for us so that He can teach us and transform us in ways that would be difficult to accomplish otherwise.

Thanks for all the love and support that people are sending our way during these days of confinement.

Praise and Prayer

  • We praise God for safety and for the many ways He is caring for us during our travels and our current quarantine.
  • Please pray that God will guide our steps as we search for a car to use during home assignment.
  • We praise God for creative online ways the Baozhong Alliance Church is using as they minister to each other and to new contacts.
  • Praise the Lord that Hector has graduated from high school.  Please pray for him as he prepares for university entrance exams scheduled for late July.
  • The epidemic protocols in Taiwan have been extended until July 26.  Because the number of daily new infections has decreased, some outdoor activities are being permitted, but indoor gatherings are still restricted.  Church services will continue to be online.

2021 Update #27 July 5


We are grateful for the many people who are donating towards our support costs, toward the ministry, and to specific projects.  Your involvement makes it possible for us to continue sharing Jesus with the people of Taiwan.

Global Ministries is making some major adjustments to both our compensation package and to the way in which donors can participate in supporting global ministry.

Effective July 1, our salary package has been adjusted so that we will receive additional monthly compensation.  Our contributions toward retirement are also being increased.  These changes will align our compensation with Canadian law.  We won’t bore you in this letter with other details, but just want to thank you for your generosity that is allowing this to happen.

The above graphic explains that structure for supporting global missions in our church organization is being adjusted, also effective July 1.  Things are now being combined under three categories, simplifying the donor’s need to designate funds.  Each of the three funds listed above will have an annual budget to allocate resources to the areas most needed.  The descriptions will permit you to find the aspect of the ministry that you desire to support.  This will help you to know what the new donation categories are.

As with any change, there will be a phase in period.  Likely there are additional questions that need to be answered.  Please know that we are available and willing to help you obtain answers.

But, the most important thing we want to communicate today is our appreciation for your generous and sacrificial support for us and global initiatives.  May God’s blessings be upon you!

Praise and Prayer

We are travelling and entering quarantine.  Thanks for remembering to pray for:

  1. Technology to cooperate as we work with multiple agencies that monitor Covid testing and quarantine.
  2. Rest and refreshment as we slow down during our quarantine.  God has a purpose for scheduling this time in our lives.
  3. For wisdom for those who are shouldering additional responsibilities because we are not in Taiwan.  God’s empowerment and grace is sufficient for all circumstances.

2021 Update #26 June 28

Drip, Drip, Drip

The weather bureau has issued heavy rainfall warnings for a number of days during the past week, and the rain continues.  The map shows the current heavy rain advisory, and we are the small red dot.

This news seems positive because we were praying for rainfall to relieve the drought.  BUT, the waterproofing work that was done on our house last month is not working.  There is a leak from the second floor ceiling, and it drip, drip, drips when there is heavy rain.

We are leaving in one week, and are hoping for a reprieve in the weather so that the workman can come do the repairs.  It would be best if this is accomplished before our departure.  Otherwise we may need to inconvenience a friend to come open the house for the work to be done.

God knows what is best.  The leak is not serious, but it could make things damp enough for mildew to proliferate.  That would not be good.  Please pray with us for resolution to this difficulty.

Praise and Prayer

  • We appreciate those who passed along news of the changes in quarantine regulations.  As we are not fully vaccinated before travel, we have arranged for the mandatory hotel quarantine.  Thank-you to those who give toward our support and the Global Advance Fund so that such expenses are covered.
  • Taiwan has extended the current pandemic prevention measures until July 12 (after our departure).  So many of our good-byes are virtual ones–using social media.  We are thankful for good friends that we will miss while away from Taiwan.
  • We are thankful to those who are helping to get our Canadian belongings into our home assignment suite!

2021 Update #25 June 21


Looking at the emotions wheel above, we realize that at any point in time we feel a mixture of emotions.  Identifying how we are feeling helps us to gauge our overall health.

Some emotions are attached to what is happening right now.  For example: grieving over being separated from people we want to spend time with; contentment about the furnishings that have been obtained for the suite in Abbotsford; frustration when answers are not available when needed; excitement when we see spiritual growth in someone’s life; grieving over the good-byes; and anticipation of meeting people on the other side of the ocean.  There is a broad range of feelings that are linked to what is happening in life right now.

There are other emotions that are connected to events and experiences that happened in the past.  Some of those will be pleasures.  Others are scars or even ongoing pain.  People are much healthier when feelings can be acknowledged and managed in healthy, God-honouring ways.

This week we will be participating in a seminar about emotional forgiveness.  It is online as we are not able to meet in person.  We believe that God can help all of us to learn to relate to others in healthy ways.

Please pray for the Taiwan C&MA international workers (both US and Canadian) as we attend this online event.

Praise and Prayer

  • Thank-you for praying for Pastor Joshua and Ilaine as they lead the church, including during the pandemic.  Their efforts to improve the online broadcast of our service were well-received.  We are thankful that God is helping Pastor Joshua to lead well.
  • We are thankful for Philip and Bethany coordinating setting up our suite in west Abbotsford.  They have been able to find enough furnishings to make it feel like home.  We appreciate the others who are having a part in blessing us in this way.
  • Waiting for News: We are joining thousands of people waiting for the anticipated update on the quarantine requirements for those arriving in Canada by air travel.  Please pray that we will be able to obtain accurate information and that the technology will work well as we navigate the process.

2021 Update #24 June 14


Last Thursday we were late starting English class because Lorne’s computer would not connect to the online classroom where the students were waiting.  We tried a number of possible solutions, but we were puzzled about how to solve the problem.  After the moderator sent a new sign-on identity, it was possible to accomplish the goal of teaching class.  We needed help to solve the problem.

Right now, we are puzzling about another challenge.  We have a desire to to schedule in-person or online meetings with individuals, small groups, and churches.  We want to do it safely by adhering to the local pandemic-related protocols.

Possible times are August through the first part of June of next year.  But let’s start with late summer and the Fall.

Please join us in putting the pieces together.

This is how you can help!

  1. You can ask your local leader if there is a time when we can connect with your family, your fellowship, your church:
    • Invite us to participate in an event.
    • Plan an open forum or a prayer time .
    • Provide an opportunity to share or preach.
    • Choose another indoor or outdoor venue to do something together.
  2. Look at your calendar to find a time when you would like to chat or “meet” with us.

Scheduling is complicated in an almost-over-Covid, early-post-Covid, but seemingly-never-ending-Covid world.

With your help it can  be accomplished!

Praise and Prayer

  • Taiwan’s emergency protocols are very strict.  No one is permitted to go into places of worship except the leader and his immediate family.  Please pray for pastors and wives, including Pastor Joshua and Ilaine, as they face the challenge of leading a whole service without help from others.
  • We are collecting gently used furnishings for our Abbotsford home.  We are thankful for those who are helping us find things that will fit well in the unit.  If you have a suggestion for a donation or a purchase, please send us a note.

2021 Update #23 June 7

More Answers to Prayer

  1. Thank-you for praying as we teach online each Thursday morning.  We are able to share a Bible story and briefly discuss it.  We use other age-appropriate English stories, games, and songs to help them learn English.  Please pray for fewer interruptions from the student’s homes as we teach.
  2. The ubiquitous mobile phones and computers are providing a way to stay in touch with people.  Our church, under Pastor Joshua’s leadership, will have online prayer meetings (photo above), Bible studies, etc.  It is one way to remain connected while living under restrictions.
  3. Heavy rain fell in some areas of Taiwan over the past week, and more is expected.  Water use restrictions have been relaxed in some central Taiwan cities.  More rain is needed for long-term drought relief.
  4. We have rented a basement suite in West Abbotsford.  We will live there during our home assignment.  Thank-you to those who prayed and to those who passed along referrals.

Praise and Prayer

  • A news report on Sunday morning said there will be an important announcement in a few days regarding whether the Level 3 Epidemic Prevention Protocols will be extended until June 28. Please pray for protection from sickness.
  • We have joined others in eagerly waiting to hear the announcement about adjustments to the Covid-19 restrictions in BC.  That will determine where we will do Covid-19 testing and quarantine after arriving in Canada.  Different options being used have varying costs.  Please pray for wisdom as these safety measures are decided.

2021 Update #22 May 30

Prayer Answered, More Needed

  1. Thank-you for praying for us as we taught online for the first time last Thursday.  It went well enough that we have agreed to do it three more times!  [June 3, 10, 17]   We will tell the stories of (1) The Rich Fool; (2) The Lost Sheep; (3) Zacchaeus.  It will also give us opportunity to say “virtual” good-byes to our students.
  2. We are required to teach online classes from home because some local residents tested positive for Covid-19.  In addition, there is a sharp decrease in the number of people on the streets, and we see less people visiting with each other.  Like you, we are faced with the challenge of relationships without face-to-face meeting.  Please pray as we figure this out for both ourselves and for helping others to do so.
  3. The first of the Spring Plum Rains came on Sunday (5/24) and light showers are continuing as I type this update.  The heaviest rain did not fall near the reservoirs, but hearing the thunder and seeing the wet roads definitely raised our spirits.  The forecast is for more rain next weekend.  Please join us in asking God for more rain.

Praise and Prayer

  • Praise the Lord that the technology cooperated for our online service yesterday.  Pray for Pastor Joshua as he explores additional ways to improve the quality of our broadcast.
  • With indoor gatherings limited to a maximum of four people, we are needing to adjust the number of people involved in producing our online services.  Pray for those who are serving God in this way to be Holy Spirit-filled as they talk to the camera lens.
  • We are actively looking for housing in the Abbotsford-Aldergrove areas.  Please pray that we will find a suitable two-bedroom unit to rent for while we are on home assignment.