2023 #39 September 25


Last Thursday was an important day in Taiwan.  It was the 921 Remembrance Day.

We were at the elementary school at 9:21 AM. That was the time set for an earthquake drill. Teachers donned hard hats. The principal and the directors wore vests that identified them as leaders. (They carried communication devices.) The students put on their head protectors and everyone moved to the designated meeting place.

The principal read some statements remembering the major earthquake that happened 24 years ago on September 21. He talked with the students, reviewing what to do in the event of a major earthquake.

The 921 Remembrance Day was used to remember the past and also as an educational opportunity to help people be safe as we live our lives today.

Praise and Prayer

  • You could have heard a pin drop as Lorne talked to the 5th and 6th graders on Thursday. The topic was about how we view others and how others view us. Prejudices affect how we relate to each other.  Please pray for us as we talk with the students each week about healthy relationship principles. This is part of our Thursday class time in the elementary school.
  • Kathy-Lu is using music and a caring heart as she teaches elementary students. She teaches at Sunday School, at  Wednesday afternoon Homework Club, and Thursday morning English Time at the elementary school.  Please pray for her as she prepares lessons and teaches the truths the students need to learn.  Her goal is to use the teaching time to help the students feel loved.

2023 #38 September 18


Our church has a youth group!

It meets once or twice each month on Saturdays. The first meeting was on September 9. Those attending are all junior and senior high school students.

Pastor Joshua’s wife, Ilaine, leads with help from our intern pastor.

The youth attend different schools, with many living at school. Most of the schools plan compulsory activities on Sundays. This means they are unable to attend church services. The youth group is one way to have opportunity to interact with the students about spiritual matters.

Please pray for our youth. There is tremendous academic pressure. They have limited time to spend with family and to attend church activities. Pray that God will help them to have strong faith in Him.

Praise and Prayer

  • We were surprised when a realtor appeared at our door. After talking with our landlord, they have decided to wait until the end of our term in 2026 to sell the house where we are living. Praise the Lord with us for this provision.
  • A number of pastors are working toward being ordained. Completing a required reading list and writing a thesis on an assigned topic are two of the requirements.  Please pray for Pastor Joshua and others as they work toward this important goal.
  • Walking through our community enables us to have conversations with different people. Please pray for opportunities to share with them about doing life with Christ.

2023 #37 September 11


It seems that there are more and more children in our lives recently.  This is a good thing, right?

Wednesday afternoon, we were at the church (not pictured) to tell a Bible story and practice English.  The final registration for the After-School Program is four students. One has tutorial class on Wednesday afternoons, so that meant we were with three students. The response is pretty good. We will need to think about whether we will continue to have both of us participate each week or adjust to only one of us.

Thursday mornings, we are at Fuhsing Elementary school.  We received a warm welcome for our first classes of the new semester.  The students were engaged as we told the creation story. We are both looking forward to continuing this teaching opportunity together.

Sunday mornings, we have a whole crowd of children who come from the community.  Our worship service numbers are about half children.  Kathy-Lu is one of the teachers who rotates teaching responsibility during the Sunday School class time. The students are full of energy and are gradually adjusting their expectations so that they participate more.

Working with children is one focus of our church ministry this Fall.  Please pray that we will represent our Saviour well and that the students will desire to know Christ as their personal Lord.

Praise and Prayer

  • Praise the Lord that a long-term friend came to Sunday worship and brought a friend with her.  Please pray that God will use what they experienced to draw them into a relationship with Him.
  • Please pray for wisdom as we develop relationships with some new friends.  Please pray for opportunities to share with them about doing life with Christ.
  • A number of friends have experienced significant losses in recent days.  Please pray for them to experience healing and comfort.

2023 #36 September 4

Good News

Hector dropped by for a visit while back in Yunlin. He is entering his third year of university studies. He participates in the leadership of the Christian fellowship on campus. It is always encouraging to receive news of people continuing to live for Christ.

Colossians 1:10 refers to the hope we have as we teach and pray for people.

“Then the  way you live will always honor and please the Lord, and your lives will produce every kind of good fruit. All the while, you will grow as you learn to know God better and better.

May God help Hector to continue to live for Christ as he continues his college studies.

Praise and Prayer

  • We are thankful for safety as we experienced a typhoon day (truthfully, just an afternoon where the government stopped work and classes) on Sunday afternoon. Our area of Taiwan is still waiting to see if we will experience strong storm conditions.
  • Please pray for Kai who is doing a student internship at our church this year. He is studying in his third year of the Operation Dawn Training Center. His goal is to become a Christian worker in that organization or in a church. Pray that He will learn, and that God will use his presence to bless the church and its ministry.
  • A number of people with whom we are close have experienced significant losses in recent days. Please pray for them to receive healing and comfort.

2023 #34 August 21


The bodies of water around Taiwan are frequently being mentioned in the news.  One reason is the military exercises in the South and East China Seas. The map shows the locations of those bodies of water in relation to Taiwan.

The Kurioshio Current flows from the tropics towards southern Taiwan. It brings rich nutrients that feed the corals and aquatic animals near Taiwan.  The warm air that accompanies it makes southern Taiwan warmer than the rest of the island.

The current passes through waterways that are important for international shipping and for fishing.  Conflicts with neighboring countries are not just about democratic freedoms.  They are attempts to stake claim over potentially resource-rich areas.

We sometimes use the image of currents to refer to influences that bring changes to our lives. While scheduling and planning we often have opportunity to identify and reflect on such currents:

  • Institutional change: there are new ways of doing things and improved ways of reporting.
  • Spiritual change: the annual events associated with traditional religions and superstitious practices dictate which topics can be openly discussed without causing offense.
  • Political change: the decisions of those whom God has entrusted with authority determine the type of religious freedom available.
  • Relational change: people leave and people come into our lives as they pursue employment and education.

In addition to being an anchor during change, God gives wisdom, insight, and opportunities to live out a spirit-empowered life.  Sometimes that means holding firm to what we have been doing, and other times it means trying new things. In all circumstances we are loved and receive all that we need to live and serve Him.

Praise and Prayer

  • Praise the Lord that a person of influence has offered to try to assist the less-advantaged family mentioned last week. Please pray that the large quantity of bagged refuse will be removed and that our friends will be aware of God’s mercy and grace toward them.
  • FuHsing Elementary School has requested that we teach on Thursday mornings. We anticipate that September 7 will be our first day in the classroom. Please pray for wisdom as we select learning activities and Bible stories.
  • There are five students registered to be a part of the After-School Program offered by our church. In addition to providing a safe environment for the children, we want to help the families to experience life that is full of peace and hope.

2023 #33 August 14


We saw lots of massive waves this past week.  The influence of pressure systems related to the two typhoons that passed nearby meant that
swimming activities were banned on the beaches.  But the noise of the waves and the unique beauty in each one made for some restful relaxation nearby (out of their reach).

There are different kinds of waves that we experience in life:

  • Waves of joy: especially when we see evidence of God working in someone’s life. (We spent time last weekend with friends who are excitedly following God into a new area of ministry.)
  • Waves of frustration: when the sound system does not work on Sunday morning.  (Yes, this happened yesterday.)
  • Waves of anger: when we see injustice and prejudice harming people. (Community leaders are using multiple excuses to avoid disposing of a large quantity of bagged refuse. May God give perseverance and help us find a way to help this less-advantaged family.)

I think you get the idea. A feature of waves is continuous repetitive action or emotion.  They seldom stop without an outside influence  such as:

  • Provision of answers.
  • Miraculous calming of the storm.
  • Breakthrough in a situation.

Let’s trust God to provide what is needed to fill us with hope and faith for each wave-washed situation.

Praise and Prayer

  • Praise the Lord for restful times during our vacation.  We also made some new friends.
  • These two weeks are the time when we must write the 2024 budget request.  We need to request financial resources for anticipated ministry in the next calendar year.  Please pray that we will be filled with faith and wisdom as we work through the process of creating the budget request.
  • Planning for Fall ministries is happening. Please pray for God’s guidance.
  • And, there are people we desire to visit.  Pray God will make a way for that to happen.

2023 #30 July 24

Reading and Writing Camp

There are students from our town and from surrounding towns who have registered for the “Reading and Writing Camp” which will be held at our church this week. (The publicity is in this week’s photo.) The class times are each morning.

The instructor is a member of the FuHsing Alliance Church in YungHo.  Some of you may remember that we worked with that church in our first term of service in Taiwan.

Pastor Joshua will tell Bible stories each of the three days.  Please pray that hearts will be open to receive truth and that there will be some who respond to the invitation to have a relationship with Christ.

(A typhoon is predicted to come across the island on Wednesday, July 26.  Please pray that it will not cause cancellation of any days of this camp activity.)

Praise and Prayer

  • Praise the Lord that we experienced a wonderful week of fellowship as we attended the Taiwan Missionary Fellowship Conference last week.  The theme for the week was ‘Collaboration.’
  • Praise the Lord that our short-term team members have arrived home safely. Please pray God’s blessing on them as they recover and as they process the memories of their experiences.
  • Please pray that we will be successful in applying for passport renewal.  We must travel to Taipei for this.
  • Lorne is investigating whether it is suitable to use the ‘Peace Generation’ curriculum here in Taiwan.  Please pray for God’s leading and for his provision of help with the translation if we choose to use it.

2023 #29 July 17

Plan Your Summer 2024!

We have just finished the Elementary Student English Character-Building Camp.  It was a blessing.  AND, we had three first-time attendees in Sunday School after the camp!

We have talked with Pastor Joshua, and we are looking for a short-term team to come in early July to teach at next year’s camp.

Are you available?
Is your church willing to sponsor and send a team?

Write us and let us know!

Praise and Prayer

  • Praise the Lord for a good response from the students at the camp.  The dinner for their families on Friday evening at the church was attended by quite a few students and some family members (Sorry, I forgot to count how many.)
  • Thanks to Victoria Chinese Alliance and Heritage Alliance Churches for their financial help for camp expenses.
  • Thank-you to the short-term team members who sacrificially came, giving of their time and personal finances to be a part of our event.  They have departed from Baozhong and will soon be arriving at home.
  • Praise the Lord that we had 11 elementary-aged students in Sunday School on Sunday morning.

2023 #28 July 10

An Exciting Start

The short-term team arrived from Abbotsford last Friday evening.
Happenings in the first two days of being together include:

  • A visit to the Teresa Teng  Birthplace Memorial resulted in us meeting a man who is reading the Bible.  Hopefully Lorne will have opportunities to meet with him to talk about his reading.
  • A request from another lady at that Memorial to have a large-print Bible.
  • A team member having a conversation with a young man who is seeking truth.
  • A team member sharing a testimony in the Sunday morning service.
  • Times of laughter and talking about living in Baozhong.

It is an exciting start!
We are trusting God to give them more opportunities to serve.
We are asking God to help us meet more people who are seeking something more than they have experienced to this point in time.

Thanks for praying for us!

Praise and Prayer

  • Praise the Lord that the team from Abbotsford BC arrived safely. 
  • Please pray as we all prepare for the three-day camp that starts on Wednesday. It will be a half-day DVBS-like camp.
  • Please pray that short-term team members from Abbotsford and Victoria will have energy to lead fun learning activities in Taiwan’s hot weather environment.  The apparent temperature (what it feels like) increases to be about 41 degrees each day.
  • Please pray that students will be willing to listen and accept the Bible truths being presented.

2023 #27 July 3

Off to Camp!

For the first time since the Covid-19 pandemic, the Taiwan C&MA is holding family camp.  Actually, it is three camps held simultaneously at the same location.  Children, youth, and adult camps will be held at a facility in Taichung.

Camp is Sunday afternoon through Tuesday lunch. The planning committee has been busy over the past year creating the program for this year. There will be a large number of activities packed into those few days.

Please pray that God will use this to bring unity to His church in Taiwan, and encourage individual believers in their faith.

Praise and Prayer

  • Please pray for travelling safety for the short-term team (STM) members travelling from Abbotsford to Baozhong on Thursday-Friday this week.  We are excited they are coming and are almost ready to host them. Their first days with us will be spent learning about Taiwanese culture and our lives here.  Then they will be camp leaders at the Elementary Student Camp.
  • Please pray for final preparations for the Elementary Student Camp (July 12-14).  It will be a half-day DVBS-like camp.  STM members from Abbotsford will teach English and STM members from Victoria will teach handcrafts.  Pastor Joshua will tell Bible stories.  Some youth from our church will lead games.  Please pray that we will work well together.