2023 #26 June 26


A recent letter to pastors of Alliance churches in Taiwan mentioned that many are tired. They feel that it is a challenging time to do pastoral work. Some are discouraged.

Here are some ideas of how you can pray for Taiwan’s pastors (and your own pastors):

  • Pray they will walk closely with Christ in the power of the Holy Spirit .
  • Pray they will have insight and wisdom as they apply Scriptural truth to their own lives and the lives of people to whom they minister.
  • Pray that God will give them creativity and resilience as they communicate at a time when society is pursuing values that clash with God’s Word.
  • Pray they will have a good work–sabbath balance in their lives.
  • Pray they will see evidence of God establishing the work of their hands and that God will give them fruit for their labours.
  • Pray they will hear encouragement and words of affirmation, not words of criticism only.
  • Pray they will be refreshed during the summer months when the church ministry rhythms are slightly different than the rest of the year.

Thank-you for praying for those who serve as pastors in God’s kingdom.

Praise and Prayer

  • A well known sect is sending groups of people to our town on a weekly basis. They are trying to pressure people to become followers so that a local chapter of their group can be started in our town. Some of our friends are frustrated by the pressure being put on them. It is culturally hard to refuse hospitality to visitors from outside our town. Please pray that people will sense the lack of light in what is being presented. Pray they will not be deceived into accepting a belief system that is contrary to Scripture. 
  • Please pray for final preparations for Camp (July 12-14) and for those who are travelling to help as leaders.  We will also spend time with the team from Heritage Alliance Church, introducing them them to Taiwan’s culture and our ministry.

2023 #25 June 19

“The Past is Invading!”

An invitation to the elementary school graduation arrived in our mailbox.  As we examined it, we discovered a photo–OF US!–on the back of the card. That is from quite a few years ago!

It is a blast from the past!
The past has invaded the present!

We are thankful for the long-term relationship that we have with the FuHsing Elementary School.  The principal described it as being different than many others who have provided help to the students.  The difference is that “we came and lived among them.” (that is a translated quote.)

That is what Jesus did.  He came from heaven and lived among people.  Through His presence and example, He revealed God’s plan for fullness of life.  Then He sacrificed His own life so that everyone has access.

Our prayer is that people will remember Jesus, more than they remember us.

Praise and Prayer

  • Praise the Lord FuHsing Elementary School has requested that we return to work with the students on a weekly basis starting in the Fall.  Tentatively it will be on Thursday mornings–to be confirmed before school starts.  Please pray that God will nudge our hearts to know which set of stories will draw the  hearts of the students toward belief in Christ.
  • Camp planning is in the final push.  There are many details that people are working on.  Please pray for health and wisdom as teaching plans are finalized.  Needed teaching aids are being created or purchased. Camp dates: July 12-14.
  • Graduates from elementary, middle and high schools are finished classes for the school year.  Some will drop in to visit the school, the homework club program, or perhaps a teacher. Please pray that we will know the right questions to ask and have the right advice to give when these situations present themselves.

2023 #24 June 12

Registration Numbers

The above slide was shown at church during the Sunday worship service.  It reports the number of registrations for the planned summer activities.

  • Elementary English Camp – 23 students
  • Elementary Student Essay Writing Class – 6 students
  • Guitar Classes – 0 students

Please praise the Lord with us for the students who have registered.  Please pray that they will experience God’s immense love for them through participation in the events.

Registrations officially closed last Friday.  But we have been known to accept a few latecomers when they request the privilege of attending the camp.

And….it looks like guitar lessons are not something that people are desiring.  So please pray that God will guide Pastor Joshua and the church leadership to discover activities that create opportunities to build relationships with people.

Praise and Prayer

  • Praise the Lord for the sound of dripping water.  Rain showers are falling in our area of Taiwan, providing needed water.  On Sunday morning, Lorne got drenched in a heavy thunder shower before the church service.  We are thankful that it is warm and he did not catch a cold.
  • Praise the Lord for the six children from the community who are regularly attending Sunday School. Others attend less regularly.  Please pray that they will have open hearts to accept the truth of the gospel.
  • June 18 is Father’s Day in Canada and the USA.  Please pray that God will raise up godly men who will be people of influence in their families and in society.  (Taiwan and other Chinese-speaking cultures celebrate Father’s Day each year on August 8.)

2023 #23 June 5

Focus on the Important

Last Saturday, one of the youth in our church was in the graduation ceremony at his high school.  His brother will transfer from junior high (middle school) to high school this year. Three students in the After-School Program are graduating from elementary school. They are all focusing on reaching these milestones and acting accordingly.

We both have tasks related to our regular schedule that keep us busy. When we are planning to host short-term teams or hold summer camps, we add exciting anticipations to the mix.  Sometimes the focus on these things can begin to override eternal priorities. Jude does an articulate job of expressing the essence of a balanced Christian life.

Would you pray that God will help us to keep Jude 1:20-25 priorities while completing the do-list items of our lives.  I believe that God will be honoured when He helps us to live in that way.

Praise and Prayer

  • Praise the Lord for that approximately 60 people joined us for the Thanksgiving Service celebrating the Chiayi Alliance Church relocation.  Visitors were from Canada as well as different parts of Taiwan.  (Photo)
  • Praise the Lord that the typhoon veered away from Taiwan.  There was no danger created at the work site where we are helping a needy family.  Please pray that the work can be completed soon.
  • Baozhong Alliance Church is planning: (1) Elementary English Camp (July 12-14); (2) Elementary Student Essay Writing Class (July 27-29); (3) Guitar Classes (Wed & Fri July 5 – Aug 18).  Please pray for the planning and for registrations for all of the above events.

2023 #22 May 29

Typhoon Warning

The Taiwan Central Weather Bureau has issued a warning about the approach of Typhoon Mawar. Because of its size and wind speeds, it is currently classified as a super typhoon.  It has travelled past Guam and is headed toward the Philippines and Taiwan.  Typhoons are always considered to be somewhat unpredictable, but the map shows the best guess that meteorologists have about its potential track.

The adjacent map of Taiwan shows the probabilities of different areas experiencing 50-65 km/h winds (or stronger) within the next 5 days.  The effects will be less intense if the path does not take the eye of the storm across the island.  Another chart predicts that our area has a 22% probability of experiencing the strongest effects winds and rain on Wednesday (May 31).

We will make some advance preparations: (1) purchase food, (2) buy gas for the car, (3) check that storm drains are free of debris, etc..  Those are wise things to do before this type of storm danger arrives.

Recently, Lorne was asked to teach from Ephesians 6.  The Scriptures warn that we face certain danger of enemy attack from evil spiritual forces.  Unlike the typhoon warning, the attacks could happen at any time.

Thank-you for praying for Taiwan’s residents as they prepare and weather the storm.

And, we encourage you to make the preparations listed in Ephesians 6 so that you are protected when the attack of the enemy occurs.

Praise and Prayer

  • The Covid-19 virus is still present and active.  We have heard of three pastor colleagues who have become sick.  Please pray for our protection and their recovery.
  • Praise the Lord that we were able to arrange help for a needy family last week.  There are some challenges that still need to be solved before the work can be completed.  Please pray that the incoming typhoon will not cause damage nor injury to anyone near that property.
  • Baozhong Alliance Church is planning: (1) Elementary English Camp (July 12-14); (2) Elementary Student Essay Writing Class (July 27-29); (3) Guitar Classes (Wed & Fri July 5 – Aug 18).  Please pray for the planning and for registrations for all of the above events.

2023 #21 May 22

May I use the van?

There have been multiple conversations between Lorne and Pastor Joshua in the past week bout using the church van:

  • May I use the church van to shuttle guests from the train station to the the June 2 Thanksgiving Service for the Chiayi Alliance Church’s new facility?
  • May I use the church van to pick up the short-term team from the airport in July?
  • May I use the church van when giving the July short-term team orientation to Taiwan ministry when they come?
  • May I use the church van to pick up children to come to Sunday School on Sunday?

And the most exciting of those was…..the last one!  Usually we only have one or two children need a ride in order for them to attend Sunday School.  When I made the request I only knew of three students who needed transportation.  But when Sunday came…..we had seven students from non-church families that needed rides. Two of those boys came for the first time!

Thank-you for praying that children will come to Sunday School.
Please do not stop praying that they will come and that they will believe in Christ.

Praise and Prayer

  • Praise the Lord for the students who came to Sunday School.  Please pray they will continue to come and will desire to become Christ’s disciples.
  • The weather is already hot! Air conditioners are being used at least some of the time.  We had thunder showers this past week.  We are asking God that we can have suitable weather on Wednesday and Thursday this week in order to help a needy family.
  • Baozhong Alliance Church is planning: (1) Elementary English Camp (July 12-14); (2) Elementary Student Essay Writing Class (July 27-29); (3) Guitar Classes (Wed & Fri July 5 – Aug 18).  Please pray for the planning and for registrations for all of the above events.
  • Praise the Lord that five ladies (including Kathy-Lu) attended the Ladies’ Tea.  Please pray that God will use the truths they heard to help them grow in their relationship with Christ.

2023 #20 May 15

Happy Mother’s Day

Most cultures are taking the opportunity this weekend to celebrate and thank mothers.  We may all say: “Happy Mother’s Day!” but there are other things that will be done differently.

The Taiwanese, like some other east-Asian cultures, do not have a habit of speaking words of praise and true affirmation to others.  There are occasions when this is done indirectly, such as a parent boasting to a friend in the hearing of a child. about the student’s scholastic success.

Sometimes on Mother’s Day, as on other days of the year, a mother’s contribution to family life is expected and not mentioned.  There is an unspoken idea that it is her role to act in caring ways because of her role as a mother in the clan.

Today, during the church service, congregants were given opportunity to step outside of that usual cultural tradition.  Above is a photo of me speaking words of affirmation to Kathy-Lu, thanking God for His grace making her to be the mother she is.

So on this Mother’s Day, no matter what life is like at the moment, we pray that you will sense God’s presence with you.  May you remember that those who believe in Christ have the everlasting arms under them, providing grace, mercy, comfort, and strength.

God says:  “Don’t be afraid, for I am with you. Don’t be discouraged, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you. I will hold you up with my victorious right hand.” (Isa. 41:10)

Praise and Prayer

  • Summer is approaching. Please pray for the planning and for registrations for all of the events.  Baozhong Alliance Church is planning:
    1.  Elementary English Camp (July 12-14);
    2.  Elementary Student Essay Writing Class (July 27-29);
    3.  Guitar Classes (Wed & Fri July 5 – Aug 18).
  • Heritage Alliance Church (Abbotsford, BC) and Victoria Chinese Alliance Church are sending short-term workers to assist with the July 12-14 camp.  Please pray for them as they prepare and make travel arrangements.  The decision to invite them to participate in the camp was made within the last week.  So there is pressure to complete preparations quickly.
  • Two of last week’s three meetings with our Canadian C&MA international worker couples have been rescheduled into this week.  Please pray that we will ask the right questions and provide encouragement.
  • Please pray for the Women’s Tea that is now happening on May 20 so that more ladies can attend.  Pray for Kathy-Lu as she hosts the event.

2023 #19 May 8

Chiayi Alliance

The Canadian C&MA International Worker Team has started another church work southeast of Baozhong.  It is the Chiayi Alliance Church.

We went and worshipped with them, May 7.  It is their first Sunday in their newly rented facility.  Renovations are mostly done, but still need some finishing touches that will happen over the next week or two.

Lorne preached, Rev. Henry Chuang officiated at Communion, Rev. Wendy Hsieh led worship, and the intern pastor Ms. Hu read Scripture and played piano.  A small group discussion followed the service.

Praise God with us for the new meeting location for the church.  Please pray that God will guide the international workers assigned to the work and their Taiwan partners as they join what God is doing to see the church established.

Praise and Prayer

  • Next Sunday is Mothers’ Day.  Please pray for churches like ours as we invite friends to join our worship service as part of this year’s efforts to honour mothers.
  • Praise the Lord that renovations on the rented facility in Chiayi were sufficient to permit a first service at the new location.  Please pray that God will add people to the church family.
  • We will have meetings with three of our Canadian C&MA international worker couples this week.  Our desire is to be an encouragement to them.  It is a chance to check how they are doing and discuss the work being done.
  • Please pray for a Women’s Tea that Kathy-Lu is possibly holding on Saturday afternoon.  Invitations and plans for this potential event are happening, but she is not sure whether people will have time to attend on Mothers’ Day weekend.

2023 #18 May 1

Not for Everyone

Today, May 1, is a holiday for some people in Taiwan.  It is International Labor Day.  Most factory workers and laborers are granted a day off from their work.  However, government workers, and most white collar employees will still be going to work.

It is only a holiday for some people.

Many of the people we interact with consider themselves to be the working class.  Many of those in the public service grew up in working class homes and return to help with farming or other endeavors when needed  Those who own or work in small businesses recognize the necessity of continuing to work. Although their job classification may or may not be ‘blue collar’ related, they have a heart connection with that kind of a lifestyle.

Each relationship is unique.  We relate to each person in a slightly different way, as if we have different hats or roles.  Priority is having a friendship so that we have opportunity to introduce them to our best friend, Christ Jesus.

Please pray for us to know how to do this well.  Ask for God to help us adapt to each situation without compromising the holiness of our God.  Please pray that God will use these relationships to introduce others to Christ. (1 Cor. 9:19-23)

Unlike International Labor Day, a relationship with Christ is available to everyone willing to welcome Him.

Praise and Prayer

  • Please pray for a friend that Kathy-Lu was able to meet with last week.  Pray she will have wisdom for handling life challenges and for her to be strengthened in her faith in Christ.
  • Praise the Lord for safety while we travelled do different places for ministry-related activities this past week.
  • Please pray for the right words and the right attitudes as we tell Bible stories to students.  Pray that God will help them grasp the true concept of Who Christ is.
  • The renovations on the newly rented facility for the Chiayi Alliance Church are nearing completion  Plans are for Lorne to preach in the new location this next Sunday.

2023 #17 April 24

Drought to Floods

Last week we travelled to Sun Moon Lake on our day off.  Our goal was to see some mountains and trees, commune with God, and relax away from our usual area.  The water level at the lake was quite low as Taiwan has been experiencing drought conditions.

It is the worst drought in decades. This is exacerbated by the fact that no typhoons have made landfall in Taiwan since 2020.  Tropical storms that passed nearby have helped, but the lack of rainfall from the usual parade of typhoons making a direct hit on the island has caused a shortage in the fresh water supply.  In addition to needing water for daily living, Taiwan uses massive amounts of water for irrigation and for the electronics industry.

Two days after our trip last week, the first heavy rainfall of this year happened.  Flash floods, mudslides, and flooding were experienced in some parts of northwest Taiwan.  Our house had some small amounts of rainwater seep in, but there were no major problems.  Our house has enough elevation, and the drainage nearby was sufficient to weather the storm.  The rainfall is a welcome respite, something we have been praying God would send.  And forecasters say more weather fronts are approaching.

One of the consequences of an extended drought is that the soil near the surface dries out and hardens. (Photo captured from a Taiwan Plus News
Video.)  The result is that it is less able to absorb water.  It will take time for it to gradually soften and be once again able to receive the moisture and the benefits that accompany it.

Jesus told stories about soil that were metaphors for how people live their lives.  The nature of the soil determines their response to God’s truth.  At other times, the Bible described how people hardened their hearts.  The result is that they were unable to respond in appropriate ways to communications from God.

I (Lorne) am reflecting these days about Jesus being the Source of Living Water.

  • Is my heart ready to absorb the blessing of having that moist nourishment in my life?
  • Are there ways that I (and the people I associate with) are becoming hardened toward God and His truth?
  • What process does God want to use to create “truth-absorbency” in my life and the life of those around me?

My hope is that these reflections and the things God says through daily quiet times with Him will help my life to continue to be fertile soil that produces fruit.

Praise and Prayer

  • Please pray as we seek to provide practical help to a friend who has some large challenges in her life.
  • We will spend a number of hours on the road this week.  Please pray for God’s hand of protection.  Unexpected actions by other drivers sometimes create dangerous situations.
  • Praise the Lord that the husband of the friend we prayed for last week is recovering well.  He is now home.  Please pray for God to reveal to him the need for belief in Christ.
  • The renovations on the newly rented facility for the Chiayi Alliance Church are in progress.  Please pray for wisdom as many decisions are made.  Lorne will preach there the beginning of May.
  • Praise the Lord for some answers to prayer, including some prayers for our children.  Let’s continue to ask in faith to the God Who hears and answers prayer.