Year of the Rabbit
The Year of the Rabbit officially started yesterday, January 22, 2023. In the Chinese Zodiac, rabbits symbolize mercy, elegance, and beauty. (ref) People expect blessing and prosperity to happen during this year of the 12 year cycle.
The Bible does not have much to say about rabbits and hares. The Israelites, according to the Old Testament law, were forbidden to eat them. (Lev. 11:6; Deut. 14:17) That is not very helpful in thinking of how to verbally bless people.
However, the traditional blessings, such as Psalm 121:8 continue to work well.
(similar in meaning, and is a more common greeting among Chinese-speaking people.)
Praise and Prayer
- The Taiwan Alliance pastors and their families will have a New Year Meal together on January 30. They graciously invite international workers and their families to join. Our prayer is that this will be a time of mutual blessing.
- Following the meal, there will be a two-day retreat. Our hope is that this will be a time of refreshment and an opportunity to have casual conversations. Sometimes what is said in these informal times brings encouragement to needy hearts.
- Please pray for safe travel and a good response as the short-term team comes from Victoria Chinese Alliance Church to work at the Elementary Winter Camp, Feb 6-10.